Creating the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

Make it outstanding.


Decorating & Staging

It all begins with an idea. Do you want better organization? Do you want to rent or sell your home? Or do you want to create a new environment whether it’s a new home or one you’ve settled into?

Matching your decor to your lifestyle is as easy as moving pieces around, re-working what you have or starting fresh. You are the VIP Client - you know in your heart of hearts how you want to feel when you are in your home and how you want your guests to feel.

I will help you find your personal expression, and make it a reality no matter what your budget is. I have decorated homes with a 100% fresh start or seamlessly added heirloom pieces to the “coastal” Florida decor to make them work cohesively.

I can help you chose paint colors and finishes all the way through to flooring, cabinetry and large furnishings.

Design dilemmas are my favorite…so if you have one I would love for you to reach out for a consultation and a brainstorming session!


What is Un-decorating? It’s something I’ve been doing quite a lot of lately. It’s helping clients pack for their move.

Whether it’s a move to the next town or packing up their seasonal home and shipping their personal belongings and furniture across states, I’ve done it!

I securely pack & bubble wrap everything, just like it was my own. I make inventory lists of boxed & unboxed items. I help you sell anything of value that you don’t want to keep. I organize a pick up for items that you would like to donate to your favorite charity.

I have a cleaning crew to tidy your home before leaving. I will drop off your cable TV boxes, forward your mail or anything else to help you on your new journey.

I make your life easier!

I have a proven methodology that works! I can get the job done so that it’s painless and timely! Call for your quote today!

Feng Shui & Balance

Are you looking for more harmony in your life?

Do you want to turn a friendship into something more, or do you have a creative project to share with the world?

Whatever it is, the way you bring positive energy into your home or office life can make all the difference.

Feng Shui is not a “religion” and it’s not “magic”.

What Feng Shui does is create a positive flow throughout your environment.

It is as easy as starting with one small area at a time, and setting intentions as to the energy you would like to bring to your space, home or office.

Bringing in elements and removing others helps set the tone of the space. I can do this with pieces you already own in a new and dynamic manner.

Clearing clutter in your home and in your mind are very similar concepts. Your home is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you.

Discovering what is holding you back is a way to take charge of your goals and dreams and turn them into reality.

Here is a freebee…start everyday with gratitude…sounds simple right? Just appreciate where you are, what you have and where you’ve been…everything is evolving and changing…trust the process. Enjoy the process!

I will help you achieve your goals today!